Cold chamber Frankfurt

The comprehensive access to the application possibilities of the cold chamber center and the Multi-Cryo Performance Center doctorfrost in Frankfurt will be granted to all customers of Coolzoone Mallorca in the future.

As a privileged customer of Coolzoone Mallorca, presenting the RemediCool app grants you a one-time free trial of all the offered application systems. These include experiences from the three high-performance cold chambers, the Vacu-Flow experience, an experience with the Multi-CryoHacking system and a radiofrequency therapy session.

The cold chamber center doctorfrost in Frankfurt

The Cryotherapy Center doctorfrost in Frankfurt presents itself as a member of the Multi-Cryo-Performance Centerand is characterized by its innovative and technologically advanced infrastructure, positioning it as a global leader in cryogenic chambers and combination therapy centers. Equipped with three high-performance cold chambers of Art of Cryo’s 30-year experience,, which cover temperature ranges from -85°C to -110°C, we promise authentic and steady cryogenic temperatures for every cold treatment. Even after over 300 applications per day, the high-performance cryogenic chambers maintain their undiminished performance, guaranteeing an authentic and effective cryotherapy.

Cold chamber in combination

The Multi-Cryo-Performance-Center in Frankfurt offers its customers innovative application systems from the Multi-Cryo-Health systemfor combined applications in the field of cold therapy. Thanks to the Art of Cryo Flow system, an effective and potent combination therapy can be applied before or after the cold chamber. The Multi-Cryo-Hacking-System, equipped with ionized oxygen, heat therapy, and red, green, and blue light therapy, enhances the effects of classical cryotherapy, among other things, and is used depending on the application area before, after, or between two cold chamber sessions. TheRemediCool-software and the associated high-precision measuring system MCRC Vital X calculate all application times and create combination therapies. Individual application plans are also provided for each customer.

Cold chamber - MCRC Vital X

Der MCRC Vital X wurde als verfeinertes Messinstrument für die fortlaufende Überwachung innerhalb der New-Health-Strategie ins Leben gerufen. Hierbei wurden bahnbrechend Herzratenvariabilität, Sauerstoffsättigung, Herzfrequenz, Körperwärme und Blutdruck vor, während und nach einer Kältekammer-Anwendung erfasst. Durch diesen umfassenden Prozess der Vitaldatenerhebung konnte in Kooperation mit RemediCool ein neuartiger Algorithmus zur Regulierung aller Multi-Cryo-Health-Systems in Echtzeit realisiert werden. Damit können Therapiedauern, Anwendungszyklen und kombinierte Anwendungen exzellent und individuell an den aktuellen Gesamtzustand des Körpers angepasst werden.  

Jeder Klient profitiert von seinem maßgeschneiderten Anwendungsprogramm, welches bei jedem Besuch auf Grundlage seiner Vitaldaten aus der Echtzeit-Überwachung, täglich akkurat erstellt wird. Der MCRC Vital X steht global in jedem Kältekammer Zentrum mit RemediCool Software allen Klienten kostenfrei zur Verfügung. 

Cold chamber - Vaultz V2 -110°C

The unique high performance cold chamber model Vaultz V2 from Art of Cryowhich offers real -110°C, is an exclusive offer from doctorfrost in Frankfurt. This dual-chamber system allows customers and patients from Frankfurt to experience a multi-stage cold application. Upon entering the pre-chamber at -60°C, the user undergoes cryotherapy in the main chamber at authentic and consistent -110°C. The duration of use is determined by the RemediCool -software and the MCRC Vital X are calculated individually for each customer to ensure safe, optimal and effective cryotherapy.

Video cold chamber Frankfurt partnership Coolzoone

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